We had such a marvellous time on our last Not Model photoshoot that we decided HEY, let's not stop doing these sort of photoshoots with normal everyday people going about their everyday activities.

And who better to continue this glorious idea with than the Martinborough Cross Fit Gang during one of their everyday workouts.

Matt and Lydia Guild set up their own boutique Cross fit gym called Facing Giants on White Rock Road in Martinborough about seven years ago. Since then they have gone from strength to strength - quite literally - and can be found in their Red Barn gym training and teaching a few times a day, every day!

Facing Giants welcomes anyone and everyone of all levels of fitness. Lydia and Matt are both highly dedicated to every member that attends their gym and now have an impressive group of achieving athletes!

The fabulous Lucy Cooper joined us again to photograph the athletes in action and as per usual, her photos are amaaazing.

Lucy captured everyone working out in their thundies while making sure they felt comfortable and at ease in front of the camera.

We were so very impressed watching these legends lifting very heavy things, walking on their hands and pulling themselves up ropes. Their strength and motivation is truly inspiring, not to mention how great our thundies looked on them!

A massive thank you again to the Facing Giants gang! You guys rock!

Val jones on Nov 25, 2020
I just love these photos, having spent a good number of my 75 years hiding a perfectly acceptable body.. thanks lots..val