Dem Bones

Dem Bones
Scientifically literate people participate as informed citizens and make intelligent decisions that will affect the quality of their lives and that of their children.


House of Science inspires young New Zealanders' interest in science through tangible learning experiences. They are a charitable trust providing quality science resources to schools and professional learning for teachers to promote positive engagement with science in all its forms.

Local sponsorship allows the regional House of Science branch to purchase a copy of a kit for their library and pays for the maintenance, delivery and upkeep of the kit.

House of Science work with over 300 schools in the North Island, delivering more than 200 resource kits each week. As a result over 8,000 students a week are accessing their hands-on learning experiences.

The science kits are booked for one week at a time and are delivered to/collected from our member schools. They each:
  • Cover a growing range of relevant topics
  • Include at least 5 hands-on experiments, catering for Year 1-8 students
  • Are easy to use - everything a teacher needs is in the kit, including all consumables
  • Include bi-lingual student instructions and teacher manual
  • Are fully aligned with the NZ curriculum and many reflect current National Science research

    We were recently approached by the lovely Amanda Taylor from House of Science and asked if we'd like to get involved in helping promote science and add to our science library in schools! Hells to the yeah we would!
    We naturally jumped at this great opportunity and worked together with Amanda to sponsor a Science Resource Kit for the Wairarapa region!

    Our sponsored kit has just arrived and here's what this one is all about!


    This science kit is made up of 10 small skeletons, 

    large skeleton on a stand,

    Lots of X-Rays

    a rabbit skeleton 

    and a lizard skeleton!

    Children will love discovering all the bones in their own body as they examine skeletons, and images of Zac with his ‘see-through body’.
    With a focus on form and function they will explore individual bones and compare/contrast them with other species.

    The worksheets included make for awesome writing activities!

    Science is critical for our economy. The House of Science receives no government funding but delivers equity and excellence thanks to a generous partnership with the Wright Family Foundation, a charitable trust committed to the growth and development of all New Zealanders through education in various forms.
    Schools in the Wairarapa region will be able to start booking kits as soon as they join.

    Please click here if you are interested in becoming a House of Science member school. 

    Team Thunderpants x

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